
Who am I?

My name is Zack Newman; and I live in Englewood, Colorado with my wife and two (dog) children. While I am a software engineer by trade, I identify more as a mathematician. I am entirely self-taught when it comes to programming languages and computers as those are topics I started learning between my previous two jobs. I didn’t think I’d discover anything I’d love close to that of math, but I am fortunate that I did. Of course when I think about it, it is not at all surprising how much I enjoy programming as there are a lot of similarities with the grammars of many programming languages and the many “languages” of math (e.g., algebraic topology) not to mention my fondness for linguistics as a whole. For more information, you can view my résumé.


Due to its simplicity, privacy, and security, I strongly prefer to communicate via Signal. In an effort to avoid bots spamming me, I will use mathematical facts to describe the numbers represented by the subsequences of digits. If you are not familiar with them, you can always rely on your favorite search engine to aid you.

Country calling code
  1. The identity element of the group ( C , ) .
Numbering plan area code
  1. The largest number such that all coprimes smaller than itself, except for 1 , are prime.
  2. The first Fermat prime.
Central office code
  1. The first irregular prime.
  2. The order of the smallest non-abelian group all of whose subgroups are normal.
Line number
  1. The first highly totient number with at least 11 solutions.
  2. The only known nontotient and unitary perfect number.

My safety number is 89553 46921 89587 88385 83511 58839.


If you must e-mail, then you can e-mail my first name at this domain.